
Eddie Vedder / Into The Wild OST

080131eAutant que je te le dise, ayant déjà plus que parlé du dernier film de Sean Penn, j’ai franchement hésité avant de poster ici la chronique du premier effort solo d’Eddie Vedder (qui est quand même le chanteur d’un des plus grands groupes de rock je te rappelle, faut pas déconner, nan je te ferai pas l’insulte de te dire lequel). Mais voilà, après moult écoutes, cet album – et les chansons qui le composent – sont tout simplement d’une beauté inévitable.

Je ne reviendrai pas sur le film, qui m’a émerveillé, je te l’ai assez dit. Une fois mise de coté la façon dont les chansons folk subliment la photographie et les images, on peut s’attarder sur le charme minimaliste de cette bande originale… Des harpèges simples de Tuolumne, à la voix douce amère d’Eddie Vedder et ses envolées sur Hard Sun (on retrouve toujours chez lui cette espèce de fascination pour les chants indiens, flagrante également sur End of the road) en passant par les ballades au banjo, c’est l’écriture qui est mise en avant: la production, elle, reste toujours en retrait. Ce disque pourrait se fondre au milieu des vieux albums de folk traditionnelle américaine si les paroles n’étaient pas aussi proche des idées dont Vedder a toujours été investi: comme sur Society, un hymne à l’exil où le chanteur pose un regard cynique et désabusé sur notre société, ou Long Nights, et Guaranteed, dont la poésie pourrait résumer à merveille la philosophie de Christopher Mc Candless – qui reste le protagoniste principal de ce disque. Je ne résiste pas à l’envie de vous en retranscrire les paroles tellement cette chanson est belle de simplicité. Les chansons en « groupe » où une section rythmique accompagne le chanteur se révèlent au final les moins intéressantes.

En définitive, que ce soit avec Pearl Jam, seul, ou dans divers autres projets, j’ai toujours été incapable de trouver à redire sur tout ce qu’a fait ce type. Cette espèce de sincérité maladive qu’il dégage, cette vérité, cet engagement, cette façon qu’il a de rester humain en font presque un modèle. Le savoir encore capable d’émerveiller avec une simple guitare acoustique et sa voix me rassure dans cette croyance. Non, cette BO d’Into the wild ne déroge pas à la règle.

En écoute: « Guaranteed »

One comment
  1. Lionel


    Be it no concern
    Point of no return
    Go foward in reverse

    This I will recall
    Everytime I fall

    Setting forth in the universe

    Setting forth in the universe

    Out here, realigned
    A planet out of sight

    Nature drunk and high


    Comes the morning
    When I can feel
    That there’s nothing left to be concealed
    Moving on a scene surreal
    No, my heart will never
    Will never be far from here

    Sure as I am breathing
    Sure as I’m sad
    I’ll keep this wisdom in my flesh
    I leave here believing more than I had
    And there’s a reason I’ll be
    A reason I’ll be back

    As I walk
    The Hemisphere
    Got my wish
    To up and disappear

    I been wounded
    I been healed
    Now for landing I been
    Landing I been cleared

    Sure as I’m leaving
    Sure as I’m sad
    I’ll keep this wisdom
    In my flesh

    I leave here believing
    More than I had
    This Love has got
    No Ceiling


    Take Leave
    the conscious mind
    Found myself
    to be so inclined

    Why sleep
    in discontent?
    Oh the price
    of companionship

    My shadow runs with me
    underneath the Big Wide Sun
    My shadow comes with me
    as we leave it all
    we leave it all Far Behind

    Empty pockets will
    Allow a greater
    Sense of wealth

    Why contain yourself
    Like any other
    Book on the shelf

    My shadow lays with me
    underneath the Big Wide Sun
    My shadow stays with me
    as we leave it all
    we leave it all Far Behind

    Subtle voices in the wind,
    Hear the truth they’re telling
    A world begins where the road ends
    Watch me leave it all behind

    Far Behind


    Such is the way of the world
    You can never know
    Just where to put all your faith
    And how will it grow

    Gonna rise up
    Burning black holes in dark memories
    Gonna rise up
    Turning mistakes into gold

    Such is the passage of time
    Too fast to fold
    Suddenly swallowed by signs
    Low and behold

    Gonna rise up
    Find my direction magnetically
    Gonna rise up
    Throw down my ace in the hole


    Have no fear
    For when I’m alone
    I’ll be better off than I was before

    I’ve got this light
    I’ll be around to grow
    Who I was before
    I cannot recall

    Long nights allow me to feel…
    I’m falling…I am falling
    The lights go out
    Let me feel
    I’m falling
    I am falling safely to the ground

    I’ll take this soul that’s inside me now
    Like a brand new friend
    I’ll forever know

    I’ve got this light
    And the will to show
    I will always be better than before

    Long nights allow me to feel…
    I’m falling…I am falling
    The lights go out
    Let me feel
    I’m falling
    I am falling safely to the ground


    When I walk beside her
    i am the better man
    when I look to leave her
    I always stagger back again
    once I built an ivory tower
    so I could worship from above
    and when I climbed down to be set free
    she took me in again

    there’s a big
    a big hard sun
    beaten on the big people
    in the big hard world

    when she comes to greet me
    she is mercy at my feet
    when I see her pin her charm
    she just throws it back again
    once I sought an early grave
    to find a better land
    she just smiled and laughed at me
    and took her blues back again

    there’s a big
    a big hard sun
    beaten on the big people
    in the big hard world

    there’s a big
    a big hard sun
    beaten on the big people
    in the big hard world

    when I go to cross that river
    she is comfort by my side
    when I try to understand
    she just opens up her eyes

    there’s a big
    a big hard sun
    beaten on the big people
    in the big hard world

    once I stood to lose her
    when I saw what I had done
    bound down and flew away the hours
    of her garden and her sun
    so I tried to warn her
    i’ll turn to see her weep
    40 days and 40 nights
    and it’s still coming down on me

    there’s a big
    a big hard sun
    beaten on the big people
    in the big hard world

    there’s a big
    a big hard sun
    beaten on the big people
    in the big hard world

    there’s a big
    a big hard sun
    beaten on the big people
    in the big hard world

    there’s a big
    a big hard sun
    beaten on the big people
    in the big hard world


    I won’t be the last
    I won’t be the first
    Find a way to where the sky meets the earth
    It’s all right and all wrong
    For me it begins at the end of the road
    We come and go


    It’s a mistery to me
    we have a greed
    with which we have agreed

    You think you have to want
    more than you need
    until you have it all you won’t be free

    society, you’re a crazy breed
    I hope you’re not lonely without me

    When you want more than you have
    you think you need
    and when you think more than you want
    your thoughts begin to bleed

    I think I need to find a bigger place
    ‘cos when you have more than you think
    you need more space

    society, you’re a crazy breed
    I hope you’re not lonely without me
    society, crazy and deep
    I hope you’re not lonely without me

    there’s those thinking more or less less is more
    but if less is more how you’re keeping score?
    Means for every point you make
    your level drops
    kinda like its starting from the top
    you can’t do that…

    society, you’re a crazy breed
    I hope you’re not lonely without me
    society, crazy and deep
    I hope you’re not lonely without me

    society, have mercy on me
    I hope you’re not angry if I disagree
    society, crazy and deep
    I hope you’re not lonely without me


    On bended knee is no way to be free
    lifting up an empty cup I ask silently
    that all my destinations will accept the one that’s me
    so I can breath

    Circles they grow and they swallow people whole
    Half their lives they say goodnight to wives they’ll never know
    A mind full of questions, and a teacher in my soul
    And so it goes…

    Don’t come closer or I’ll have to go
    Holding me like gravity are places that pull
    If ever there was someone to keep me at home
    It would be you…

    Everyone I come across, in cages they bought
    They think of me and my wandering, but I’m never what they thought
    I’ve got my indignation, but I’m pure in all my thoughts
    I’m alive…

    Wind in my hair, I feel part of everywhere
    Underneath my being is a road that disappeared
    Late at night I hear the trees, they’re singing with the dead

    Leave it to me as I find a way to be
    Consider me a satellite, forever orbiting
    I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me

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